Wednesday, January 16, 2013


We all experience having cravings. Something with chocolate, something salty, something warm etc. I have reciently experienced heavy gluten cravings. It's a hard one to explain when so many things contain gluten and I really am unable to pin point just one thing that I want. I just know I want someting with those carbs [no matter how bad for me it may be!!] When I got home from work yesterday afternoon I was seriously going crazy because I couldn't figure out what I wanted that would satisfy me. I tried having a few of my new favorite treat from Trader Joe's - frozen chocolate bannana chips - but that didn't do the trick. I had a rice cake and no luck. Then I decided to have a spoonfull of creamy peanut butter and you know what, I felt 100 times better. I don't know if maybe my body just decided to give up because I obviously wasn't go to find what it wanted or if peanut butter truly did do the trick. Let me just tell you though, these craving for gluten better go away soon or I might go crazy! (peanutbutter is the first thing I'm tring next time though)

.the beginning.

So this is me. 23 years old and reciently diagnosed with a high gluten intolerance. I have not been termed cealiac, however my body is restricting me from being able to consume any more than a small cookie size amount of gluten. Anytime anybody has any type of allergie it is not easy. But when it is something that you spend your whole life with it is sort of all you know. Bening diagnosed with something in this stage of my life is a total lifestyle change, especially in the case where I have never had to pay any attention to the things I was putting into my body. I have been blessed with a fast motabilism and never have had to worry about eating "healthy". Now that I can no longer eat gluten though, it changes everything! It now means reading the back of every lable, questioning everything I order at a resturante and really just paying attention to everything I am putting into my body. This a a new journey for me and I know I am not alone with having to make this change. I want to be able to share with others my struggles, what I've found helpful and just different things I've learned to cook. Enjoy!